The study area is in the Central Equatoria State of South Sudan, where a horsetail geological structure exists as part of the Aswa Shear Zone (ASZ) that extends in a SE direc-tion into Uganda and Tanzania. Remote sensing data com-prising of Landsat 7 and Digital Elevation Models (DEM) have been utilized to map the architecture of the horsetail structure which constitutes an important source of mineral potentials in the area. The enhancement of the DEM image-ry together with Landsat 7 have been achieved by applica-tion of spatial filers and principal component analysis (PCA). Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) have been utilized to provide rapid geological map-ping results wherever accessibility is difficult. The present study is intended to interpret the tectonic evolution of some geologic structures along the Aswa Shear Zone in the Cen-tral Equatoria State of South Sudan. The detected structures indicate mineralization zones in areas of intense folding which exhibit some geometrical shapes such as the S-, the N-, the C-, and Lens-shapes as have been deduced from the interpretation of geological structures in the area. The study area is a highly mineralization zone with a variety of min-eral resources such as gold, copper, tin, asbestos, alumi-num, iron, mica, manganese, lead, and zinc. The mapped structures elucidate the uniqueness of Aswa Shear Zone (ASZ) on the tectonic evolution of Central Equatoria horse-tail structure which is considered a geological structure of prime importance in that region of South Sudan....
Authors: Makuel Ayay, Cosmas Kujjo.